6 APRIL 2017 – Numerical Technologies are launching new cloud service, NtInsight® on Bluemix, based on Bluemix provided by IBM. Our Managing Director, Hideyuki Torii, is going to speak about cloud computing in financial risk management in IBM Watson Summit 2017.
NtInsight® on Bluemix leverages scalability and elasticity provided Bluemix, meanwhile utilizing proven and powerful calculation engine of NtInsight®.
Using Bare-metal server, Bluemix provides solid hardware performance. On the other hand, Bluemix supports to meet demanding IT requirements of financial institutions by conducting benchmark tests of FISC (The Center of Financial Industry Information Systems) Security Guideline, a test that is widely used by Japanese financial institutions when building system environments.
We have conducted performance comparison between NtInsight® on Bluemix and NtInsight® deployed on premise, and conclude that NtInsight® on Bluemix optimizes CPU and memory usage efficiency as classic NtInsight® does (Testing data: Production data of top-tier Japanese financial institution’s; Environment: a few dozen calculation servers, each with 48-core processor, 256GB memory).

NtInsight® on Bluemix: System resource usage
NtInsight® is a package software for market, credit, ALM, liquidity, and operational risk management. We are engineers that specialize in financial risk management and HPC (High Performance Computing) to deliver fast simulation while maintaining accuracy.
Since foundation in 1998, we have been helping clients quantify risk, identify opportunities, and meet regulatory requirements (Our clients).
Numerical Technologies continuously innovate and enrich features to help meet the financial regulation requirements.