10 OCTOBER 2023 – Tokyo – Numerical Technologies (“NumTech”) is delighted to announce the successful migration of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) system of Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company (headquartered in Tokyo, “Meiji Yasuda”) from NtInsight® to NtSaaS®, marking the official release today.
Meiji Yasuda has been using NtInsight in the areas of market risk since 2011, and in ALM and credit risk since 2016. During the recent system renewal due to server maintenance expiration, NtSaaS was selected in light of its DX (Digital Transformation) strategy, which includes the promotion of public cloud utilization.
The Business Management System Group within the Information Systems Department at Meiji Yasuda collaborated with NumTech to design a system that harnesses the advantages of the public cloud. By considering load balancing and fault tolerance in computation processing, the system now maintains operational efficiency even during peak risk assessment periods. Furthermore, the use of AWS PrivateLink enabled the establishment of a secure network, facilitating seamless integration between the in-house systems and NtSaaS, resulting in a highly maintainable system environment.
Mr. Masahito Okamura, Group Manager of the Asset Allocation & Portfolio Management in the Investment Planning & Research Department at Meiji Yasuda, stated, “Utilizing the public cloud shortened the setup period for the NtSaaS system environment to approximately one month. This allowed us ample time for integration testing with our in-house systems and provided us with a scalable foundation to meet the future demands of our business departments.”
In the insurance industry, preparations for the “Economic Value-Based Solvency Regulation” slated for 2025 are progressing steadily. Additionally, there is a growing focus on flexible system reconstruction to meet the diversified needs of asset management and ERM (Enterprise Risk Management) operations. NumTech envisions NtSaaS as a core service for financial risk management, offering a platform that emphasizes scalability, flexibility, and maintainability to meet these demands.